Wonder Bubble Magic

Wonder Bubble Magic

Wonder Bubble Magic The video is too dark but, if you were sitting or standing right there in front of me, you would be totally jaw drop, surprised when the soap bubbles transform instantly and visually, when they are plucked from the air. There is a basic move that...
Magic Is Like The Tango

Magic Is Like The Tango

Magic is like the tango. The method of performance, instruction and structure to everything I do.  It’s complex yet simplistic. There’s emotion, passion…focus. Dance is a perfect way to illustrate, how to learn performing magic. The proper positions in dance use the...
Learn The Switch

Learn The Switch

The Switch This principle is a must comprehend….in a lot of ways.  A great book on the principle of “the switch” . A perfectly structure, illustrated and written book by John Lovick,  Switch-Unfolding The $100 Bill Change.   I have one if you want it. $50  DM....
Learn To Perform Magic_WonderLight_The George Washington Lampshade

Learn To Perform Magic_WonderLight_The George Washington Lampshade

Scroll down to watch video demo George Washington Lampshade From The Dollar Store.  The George Washington Lampshade is a routine performed with a borrowed one dollar bill and The WonderLight.  The WonderLight is a patented gimmick I designed to produce light at your...
The Number One Reason You Should Learn Magic Tricks

The Number One Reason You Should Learn Magic Tricks

The Number One Reason You Should Learn Magic Tricks There are many number one reasons you should learn magic tricks. I have to pick one. 🤔hmmmm…….. I could write a new blog with this title but different content for weeks. Out of all the number one reasons to learn...