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Learn To Perform Magic_WonderLight_The George Washington Lampshade

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George Washington Lampshade From The Dollar Store. 

The George Washington Lampshade is a routine performed with a borrowed one dollar bill and The WonderLight. 

The WonderLight is a patented gimmick I designed to produce light at your finger tips and produce mesmerizing effects, seemingly impromptu and for any audience.  

The WonderLight is very easy to learn how to work and once you get the basics I open the can of worms and show you so many incredible effects with this original gimmick design. 

Very different from every other light gimmick because of the variety of positions that can easily acquired with the gimmick design which opens natural and relaxed handling details that will make your magic visual, beautiful, and effortless.

The WonderLight complete class in a kit comes with all the video tutorials plus live lessons. 

At each live lesson, my focus is one effect or routine. I find this is the best format for any student. 

This way you fully understand so you can take your WonderLight and perform it with all the subtle details explained. 

I answer all your questions, will repeat it for you, will repeat anything you want explained again. 

The WonderLight also come with our Theatre Magic Course In Magic, The Secrets of Conjuring And Magic. 

If you are interested in learning magic, just starting out or want to improve your magic, I am here to help you. 

I love to share the principles of performing magic and all the science involved. 

This is where you will be enlightened, become more aware and put into practice the fundamentals that make magic strong and unforgettable. 

You can also get my free subscription of Inside Theatre Magic. 

Inside Theatre Magic

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